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Okay, so we’re going to swap this kitchen power point for a new white one. First of all, we gotta check the power. It’s a safety switch tester I use which also shows if it’s got 240 volts. None of the neon lights are on cause I’ve already turned the circuit off, so that’s all good.

First of all, pop the cover off. And there’s two…normally there’s two screws, one there, one there. For some reason, this only has one screw, which isn’t good. Obviously, it makes it loose and can be unsafe.

Now we’ll pop this screw out. Okay. So pull the power point off. You can see that…you can see the terminals at the back there, the cabling’s fine, probably maybe 30 years old, but it’s in good condition. Just gonna unscrew these. There you go.

So you can see the three different colours. No, not really. Oh, there you go. So red’s your active, green and yellow is your earth, and they’ve done the neutral in purple cable here, for some reason. So just to double check, put the volt stick on. Make sure there’s no power going through.

That’s fine. If you wanna to touch your active to the earth as well, you can do that. It’s all dead. So I’m just gonna tighten up the connections, make sure the cable’s all fine. These ones are pretty good, so no need to redo them.

Okay, so the new power point we’re gonna put on is a Clipsal Classic 2000, probably the best value for money power point there is. And they look good, better than what was here.

So three terminals in the back, have an active terminal, neutral terminal, and earth. Active red, the earth’s is always green and yellow, and the neutral which is black, it’s purple they’ve got in this case. So you want the connections really nice and tight.

You don’t want any…if you get a loose connection, as soon as it starts to come under load, it’s gonna arc out and melt the contact, wreck the power point, become quite unsafe. So they’re all quite tight.

Now we’re gonna get the screws back in, plus we’ll put the… a second screw in that wasn’t here, to begin with just to make sure it’s nice and firm.

All right, so you want that nice and snug, not fully tight yet. So we’re gonna put the level on it. And that’s pretty good.

Once it’s level and straight, tighten ’em up again, nice and tight. Pop the cover on and it’s done.

Back to the switchboard, switch it back on. Then the safety switch tester will come on, that shows it’s got 240 volts. It’s all good and ready to go.

Mark Brown Electrical
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